Vancouver Celebrates 75th Anniversary of Trolley Buses

Read The Buzzer Blog: Vancouver’s 75-year journey with electric buses: sustainable transit solutions Article by CTHF Director Klaus P. Canavan At Vancouver Transit Centre on August 15, 2023, a celebration was held commemorating 75 years of trolley buses. Vancouver’s trolleys started operating on August 16, 1948. Angus McIntyre, a dedicated

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The Toronto Transit Commission turns 100!: A Curated Collection of Photos

  As of this post, the Toronto Transit Commission is celebrating 100 years of operation.  The Commission which came into being as of September 1, 1921.  The Toronto Transportation Commission (which would be later renamed to the Toronto Transit Commission) began operating, as the franchises of the former Toronto Civic

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Last day of the streetcar, May 1, 1959. Photo: City of Ottawa Archives/RG045.

Ottawa celebrates 150 years of public transit and OC Transpo launches Virtual Museum

The year 2020 marks the 150th anniversary of public transit operation in Ottawa. From streetcars that were once pulled by horses to the modern, air-conditioned, red and white transit fleet that you see all around our nation’s capital, we’ve come a long way! The Ottawa City Passenger Railway Company was

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GO Transit celebrates 50 years of bus operations

Recently, GO Transit celebrated a recent milestone of 50 years of bus operation in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area.  Initial services saw GO bus services reach out west to Hamilton, east to Oshawa, and north to Newmarket.  In comparison to today, GO bus services reach out as far west

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History of Novabus

  La Presse has released a interesting article chronicling Novabus since they started manufacturing buses in 1993, to where the present days.  Outlined in the article, are what were involved in the development of their LFS model, challenges they encountered since its initial release, and how they evolved through the

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Prevost and Industry Historian Bill Luke look back at 95 years

Prevost, the Quebec based coach manufacturer, recently celebrated their 95th anniversary!Historian Bill Luke spoke to Metro-Magazine about the company’s history. Check out the full article on!You can also read Metro-Magazine’s article from August here.

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